Which Service Do I Need?

Urgent Treatment Service (UTS)

NEEssex CCG have brought all urgent care together and this includes new Urgent Treatment Centres at Colchester Hospital and Clacton Hospital. There is also an Urgent Treatment Centre (Minor Injuries Only) at Fryatt Hospital, Harwich.

The Urgent Treatment Centre at Colchester Hospital has been built next to the Emergency Department (A&E) and replaces the Walk-in Centre in Turner Road.

The Urgent Treatment Centre at Clacton Hospital replaces the Minor Injuries Unit but remains on the same site.

The Minor Injuries Unit at Fryatt Hospital, Harwich, has become an Urgent Treatment Centre (Minor Injuries Only). It continues to be available to assess and treat minor injuries and remains on the same site.

To find our more about this service, visit the NEEssex CCG website:  www.neessexccg.nhs.uk